Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Coaching in the Ranks

From: [Training]

There is probably no better example of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) where there is a need to have a common belief and spirit directed at a defined objective.  In order to have this occur, morale also known as esprit de corps, must be in place.  An atmosphere which allows the group to be a part of the institutional and client beliefs is essential.  To increase the effectiveness of esprit de corps the coaching element is a must.  Out of this we have seen the emergence of coaching as a nurtured role.  I sometimes wonder why the skills of coaching had to be a trained endeavor. Where along the line did we lose this as an endowed skill? Maybe it happened at the same time we lost the socially responsible nature of business?   Coaching isn’t necessarily a responsibility of management, coaching is often vetted amongst the troops.  It’s one person helping another to be successful.  In the information technology arena the fundamental notion of esprit de corps’ coach is reflected in Agile methods where the team wins (or loses) as a team -  not as individuals.  This places responsibility directly amongst your co-workers and leaves management to deal with the really hard issues that can inhibit productivity. The Coach is someone special that possesses traits of compassion, empathy, understanding, and unique skills needed to deliver the much needed help.  This does not imply that a coach will do your work if you don’t.  Rather, a coach is able to evaluate, understand and deliver a message that puts behavior back into proper perspective.   This ability is authoritative, pragmatic and consistent… all of the things necessary to insure expedient and effective results.   So what is a coach??

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